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Proximity Switch MCV6


Professional and contact-free method for advancing cues using our MasterCueV5/V6 system or MicroCue3 system, depending on your requirements and preference. Plug and play, no set up needed. No external power required as it draws its power from the main unit of the system it is connected to.



The Proximity Switch is a contact-free method for advancing slides, designed for those times when physically pushing the buttons is not possible or advisable.

There are two variations available, one fully compatible with your MasterCueV6, and one compatible via i2Net and therefore with your MicroCue3, depending on your selected option.

They are a straightforward and effective product. Simply plug into your V6 on its RF input—it has loop through connections. Or for the i2Net version, by attaching it to an MC3 that has been set up for external power and using an XLR to RJ45 connector. They will then be ready to work.

Features include:

  • Simple connection to your MasterCueV6 or MicroCue3
  • Plug and play – not set-up required
  • No external power source needed, draws power from main unit

Associated Products:

  • MasterCueV6 (MCV6)
  • MicroCue3 (MC3)

More production information can be found here